What Type of Chemo is Right for You?

Many survivors talk in terms of being initially overwhelmed at their diagnosis - mine was more like a tsunami of fear and doubt. How can I handle stage 4 colon cancer that's metastasized to my lungs and liver...and everything else going on in my life? I needed answers quickly.

Through The National Exchange Club organization (I am a past President and the first woman in 93 years), I learned about a test that I could take before I settled on a cancer treatment plan.

"Test?" I thought. What test? I never knew that this was an option - that there was actually a test that would help determine what chemo would work on an individual's specific cancer cells. As an action-oriented person who doesn't like sitting around feeling sorry for myself, that sounded pretty good to me.

The test, called CorrectChemo, showed a wide range of chemotherapy agents that were applied to my tumor and rated based on proof of actively killing my cancer. "Whoa," said my oncologist. "We don't need that test until a second or third round." At stage 4, I wasn't going to wait. The reality is, I knew I might never get to another round. I needed to know that the right chemo was picked for the first round. I decided to get a second opinion and got a totally different perspective on my treatment plan and support for CorrectChemo. I also learned something important. Physicians don't always agree with one another.

The result? I decided on chemo and surgery and was given hope that I could live for years. In my case, the standard of care for my type of cancer was going to be the most effective, but that's not always the case. I now had a strategy and a plan just for me that I felt comfortable with.

My experience was very different from that of a close friend who was misdiagnosed. They picked the wrong chemo based on where they thought her cancer originated. She ended up at another cancer center, which at least got her diagnosis right. If she'd started with CorrectChemo, she might have had effective treatment the first time, in spite of the diagnosis.

Now that I'm actively moving through my cancer journey, the one thing I learned is you have to be your own gladiator. Ask questions. If you're not strong enough to push back, surround yourself with those who will. Research all your options. And once you have your diagnosis, if you need chemotherapy, consider CorrectChemo before you start treatment.

Why wouldn't you want to know? This is your life, your cancer story.

Did you feel like you prepared for your chemotherapy? Share your experience in the comments below.

