Thank You, 60 Minutes, For Featuring Our Brave Champ Jess Van Zeil

Over the weekend, 60 Minutes featured the story of one of our very own You Can champs, Jess Van Zeil. It was a powerful story of hope and inspiration, highlighting the importance of the work we do here at You Can. Jess was among one of the first patients to experience age-appropriate care and services from the Melbourne You Can Centre at Peter Mac.

Thank you to 60 Minutes and Peter Overton for covering the progress of our mission to ensure no young person faces their cancer journey alone, to make sure that the ‘Forgotten Generation’ is no longer forgotten in the Australian medical system.

If you're eager to learn more about Jess’ story, check out her profile on You Can Connect: and click the links below to read some of her writings and learn more about what a powerful force this young champ is.

Articles by Jess Van Zeil:

My 'Fundies' Tradition: Finding Humor During Cancer

"Cancer is a tough time for all of us - between hospitals, treatments and sometimes scary surgeries, it can be hard to find the motivation to actually get up out of bed and attend these appointments. But I found a way to distract myself, make a few people laugh…" [Read More]
Gratitude and Guilt Fill My Heart When I Think About Cancer

"I am so grateful to be here and to be living my life but escaping cancer-related guilt is always hard! We are lucky to be alive but don’t let that guilt stop you from living and never forget that you will never be a burden to the people that love you." [Read More]
Cancer Took My Eye But It Can't Take My Spirit

"I think that was the first time I realised how much cancer was really going to change my life. I was terrified, I remember yelling at my doctors begging for another treatment option, but as it turns out there wasn't one." [Read More]
Dear Cancer Messages by Jess Van Zeil:

"Dear cancer, Just wanted to let you know that I will be doing the Kokoda trail in September, just 2 years after you shoved me into brain surgery with a vengeance and made me learn to walk again! While you may have been able to hold me back for a while you haven’t stopped me living…" [Read More]

"2 years ago you took my eye and look how I bounced back! Just over a year ago I learned to walk again after your second attempt to kick me down... buddy you picked a fight with the wrong girl! I'm not just surviving, I'm thriving." [Read More]

"Woohoo, 12 month since mets diagnosis and the scans show we still have you under control! No growth or change since I started treatment in October last year :)" [Read More]

"Dear cancer, You may have made me fight for my life but you certainly haven't stopped me living! Bring on another amazing weekend of skiing :D Ps please be kind to me with my scans on Monday, we're 12 months post treatment and I'm really over you #bye" [Read More]
Click here to connect with Jess on YCC.

