The Seasons | Cancer Poem

I am not a survivor; my life is not the sum of my experiences, but rather, that which I identify with in life. Therefore I prefer no labels, and consider myself "Just Jack". Yes, I had brain cancer, yes I survived, but our lives have more meaning with our own definitions of them. We are "Just" who we are. We climb hills, we fight battles, we are our own spirit. I wrote this poem the day I found out I was officially "in remission" from my brain cancer. Although my experience, and my health, will follow me throughout life - I needed a way to express my gratitude for having this moment of relief after a very tough 5 years of my life. I still remember the day, a late Fall/early winter visit to my Neuro-Oncologist, where he told me that everything was okay...

The Seasons

Like the blissful summer breeze,
turning cool in anticipation of things to come,
and letting go of excess weight.

The summer skies
of pale blue glory melt,
with only a hint
of the once blaring sun
left in the air.

Warm days come and go,
less and less frequent,
but dreary? no...
The cold is there to rest our soul;
Impartial are the leaves that come and go,
as the wistful frost dabs at our toes.

Falling yet again,
as they have always known...
Until there are no more;

we will dabble on the past
as each leaf is let go,
soon to be replaced,
by another summer's glow

If you can relate, how have you expressed your gratitude since being in remission? Share how you feel in the comments below!

Photo courtesy of the author.

