Survivor: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Stage IV)
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Anoka, MN
My Journal
Everyday Battle
June 16th, 2016

Everyday, I wake up with a burning sensation in my chest. This and the scar on my chest, from the port and biopsy, are constant reminders of the daly fight I go threw just to get threw the day. It is so hard for me to keep accomplish things in my life.
Before cancerI would find myself sitting around, playing games, being on the net. Basically waisting time. I knew time is precious but did not know how much. I have always been pushing myself to do better, be stronger, and accomplish amazing goals. I never made the time to do any of it.
I look at 'normal' society, going to work, BBQ on the weekends, and being obligated to goto family gatherings. For the most part they barely live, pay bills, and lie about being happy. In a lot of ways ignorance is bliss. It is not until you are first out of the normal life that you see how stupid it is.
Though I do not know what my real goals in life are. I do know it is not the latter. It may sound cliche' but fight for your dreams, live an amazing life. the best thing in life is when you can come back from the battlefield and have a story to tell.


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