Cancer is an Emotional Rollercoaster

Anyone who has been affected by cancer understands just how much of a rollercoaster it can be.Read more to find out how Caryn was able to conquer her emotions and find peace.

We all react differently to hearing the words "you have cancer", but for most of us, it's a crazy mix of emotions: shock, fear, anger, sadness, confusion, worry, hopelessness and panic.

These emotions all seem to happen all at once, and then in waves. Up and down, up and down. "Am I going to die?" came rushing to the fore-front of my brain in an absolute instant. I was overwhelmed with fear and loneliness. I was scared for myself and for my family – none of us knowing what to expect. I was wondering what my life was going to be like. What's next? The unknown terrified me. The tears seemed endless. I felt like I was in a dark, grey fog. I was present, but I couldn't really hear anything around me.

It was one of the most flustering and terrifying times in my life. But then, somewhere along the way, I let the feeling of relief sink in. Yes, relief. I was relieved that after months of visiting doctors and having tests, I finally had real reasons and answers as to why I felt sick. It wasn't in my head, the symptoms were real.

My fear, worry and sleepless nights turned to acceptance, trust, faith, optimism and hope for the future. I surrounded myself with people that cared and loved me, took numerous deep breaths, and asked A LOT of questions. I got through it moment by moment. And most importantly, I knew that I was not alone. Someone had walked this road before me.

To this day, nearly 12 years later from my diagnosis, surgery and treatment, I still get anxious, stressed and nervous when I need to go for blood work or scans. I think that every lump or bump is going to come back with a cancer diagnosis. I say a prayer, take more deep breaths and have faith. Then, I sigh a huge sigh of relief for the good news that comes.

When confronted, and surprised, with a diagnosis like cancer, life as you know it changes. Turn your diagnosis and life challenges into inspiration for others. There are people that are there to help lend a hand, or support you in any way.

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