Download Your Life Beyond Cancer Guide

Cancer doesn't come with a guidebook, but a medical team can make those hectic months after a diagnosis a little more structured. As cancer patients enter survivorship or long-term treatment, support groups can disappear. That is where IHadCancer's Life Beyond Cancer Guidebook for thrivers comes in. Anyone experiencing that "now what" feeling can use this as a way to organize their thoughts into a useful plan.

To receive your guide, simply sign up for the IHadCancer newsletter by entering your email below.

Yes, I’ve got this!
It’s not going to be easy, but I will take it one day and one step at a time.
In this guide, you can journal your feelings, jot down your schedule, and track your health information. Throughout the various stages of your new normal, revisit this plan as often as you need.

What do I need today?
Need a place to write down a schedule of your next important appointments? What about a place to remind yourself to call a friend this week? This guide includes prompts for you to make note of all those things. 

Check in with yourself.
Cancer does a number on your health, both mentally and physically. Give yourself a place to be honest about your feelings, describe your worries, and pinpoint your emotions. The Living Beyond Cancer guide includes several check-ins and more.