Help Us Keep IHadCancer's Content Free

If our content has helped you or a loved one during cancer, please consider contributing. (*Not Tax-Deductible)

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Dear IHC Community,

We want to be able to keep IHC free for everyone in 2023, but we are asking for your help.

We believe that cancer doesn't end when treatment does. We also believe that there are so many important emotional survivorship issues that aren't being talked about enough. So that is what we try and do: address all of the complex issues that come with a cancer diagnosis - such as #fearofrecurrence, #chemobrain, #scanxiety and #survivorsguilt, just to name a few - in an effort to make sure that every single person who experiences cancer knows that they are not the only one experiencing these emotions.

If you're familiar with #IHadCancer, you probably already know that we are passionate about covering these issues. What you may not know is that IHC is run by a very small (but VERY passionate) team, working hard to create a place that you can rely on for strength, inspiration, information and the reminder that you're not alone.

If our content has helped you or a loved one during cancer, please contribute today. If everyone who reads this contributes $2 or more, it would secure our future and the ability to continue to empower the cancer community.

The IHC Team

*Transparency has always been a top priority for us. IHC is not a registered 501(c)3, which means that your contribution does not constitute a charitable donation and is not eligible for tax deduction. Although we are not a non-profit, we will not be using any contributions for profit. If you have any questions at all, please reach out!